Over Pressure Protection

The Fike Expertise

Why Pressure Relief Technology?

A rupture disc is designed to provide a leak-tight seal within a pipe or vessel until the internal pressure rises to a predetermined level. At the set point, the disc bursts preventing damage to the equipment from overpressure.

Common causes for overpressure:

  • Blocked discharge
  • Thermal expansion
  • Chemical runaway reaction
  • External fire or loss of coolant
  • Loss of purge gas

Fike’s reverse-acting technology is a patented, state-of-the-art technology used to manufacture rupture discs without hard-score tooling, producing no stress zones that can fatigue and offering premium performance. The result is a low-pressure rupture disc solution featuring tight burst tolerances and extremely high operating ratios. In addition, the advanced automation significantly increases consistency and provides for fast, economical delivery time.

Pressure or safety relief valves (PRV/SRV) are commonly used to protect many processes. Unfortunately, PRVs are also costly to maintain and expensive to replace. Now you can safeguard your high-cost PRVs and greatly extend their service life with affordable rupture discs from Fike. When Fike rupture discs are used to isolate or guard your Pressure Relief Valves against process media and downstream contaminants, the rupture disc takes the abuse, preserving the internals of your expensive PRV and protecting it from corrosive media, build-up, and polymerization.

PRVs can also be a major source of process media emissions – an increasing environmental concern. By installing Fike rupture/ bursting discs upstream of your PRV, you not only protect the valve but greatly decrease emissions. There are additional cost-saving advantages, such as possible exemption from PRV monitoring requirements and a significant reduction in the chances of receiving fugitive emission fines. And [within the U.S.] zero daily PRV emissions calculations allow you to sell emissions credits for increased profits. Air quality benefits can lead to improved health, longevity, and quality of life.